2.4.27 Migration Notes
For migrating to 4.27 from 4.26 it should be fairly seamless, very little in the plugin itself changed that wasn’t also ported to 4.26.
However there is one major concern, and that is that OpenXR is now shippable in 4.27 and the Template has been migrated over to it (and it alone). You can’t easily switch between SteamVR/Oculus/OpenXR as the core tracking points of hands in OpenXR are entirely different (they use the palm position as the tracking center).
You can continue to use your current OpenVR/OculusVR setups in 4.27, however if you choose to switch to OpenXR like the template is, there are some changes you have to make.
- Delete all OpenVR and OculusVR specific nodes, they no longer matter.
- Remove all data in the controller profiles offsets, controller profiles are not directly required anymore with OpenXR as the standardized palm position tracking already handles that. Controller profiles are left in however as they allow you to let the end player alter their controls rotations still at will in game and also in case an OpenXR implementation is incorrect and you need to account for it.
- Things like the grasping hands and anything using sockets to offset to match the hand will need adjustments to work. If you want you can copy the new offsets in the grasping hands in the 4.27 template. The HandSocketBase in the template is also changed to use the new offsets.
- If you used OpenVR Hand tracking you will need to port to the new OpenXR Hand tracking in the OpenXRExpansionModule, which is supplied with the plugin by default now since it is a core engine feature. (documentation in progress for this, it is simular to the openVR input module but has a few differences).