4.22 Patch Notes

1.2.Pre 4.23 Final Patch


Changed OnStartedTracking and OnEndedTracking controller events to just be OnTrackingChanged and to pass out a ETrackingStatus var.
This is more granular and lets the user check if tracking was lost entirely or if it fell back to IMU.

Made secondary grip infos transform readable

Removed steamvrcontroller reference in the OpenVRexpansionplugin module.

Its not needed anyway and there is the possibility that it was conflicting with the new valve plugin trying to shut the
native engine version down.

Removed steamvr module entirely from the OpenVRExpansionPlugin, its not really needed either with a couple changes.

Some OpenInput module optimizations.

Made slot grips not scale to the controllers scale by default, it can be set back to doing
so if wished.

This way a scaled character doesn’t force new slot grips to match its size if the original
object was smaller.

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