1.Multiplayer Support
Built-In Multiplayer support with custom replicating controllers / cameras / grips and the full replication capabilities of the engines base character which has been heavily modified for VR.
Also includes 4 different network grip replication types from fully client side, to client side server authoritative to server sided only. All gripping is fully networked, including client side aproximation physics grips and logic driven interactibles.
The entire plugin is built from the ground up with a heavy focus on efficient multiplayer and the example template is networked and playable with friends.
Character movement components have been modified across the board to bring multiplayer features in that not even the standard movement components support, things like:
1. MoveActions – Custom movement “actions” that flow inline with the movement component, allowing for movement actions (like teleporting and crouch flags, move speed modifiers, ect) without having to modify the c++ source to achieve (things like sprinting to do perfectly normally require c++ modification to avoid buffered move sends causing rollback).
2. An “ApplyReplicatedMovementMode” pathway to allow for changing movement modes at will without the buffered movement sends causing rollback.
3. The addition of server authoritative rotation as the non simple VR Characters have offset root collision and rotation moves them.
4. Multiple network efficiencies added to improve replication cost (due to the heavier requirements of VR I tried to take the base cost down to help allieviate things a bit).
5. Bug fixes to character movement modes, (like dropping out of falling not retaining the floor offset and hitching the view).